Vitruvio Bologna: visite guidate, trekking e spettacoli

Archaeological excavations in Sala Borsa - english version

online booking
Limited number of participants - Reservation is necessary

Next dates: to be agreed with the group leader (minimum 10 people)

Meeting point: Biblioteca Sala Borsa, Entrance from Piazza Nettuno 3
Ticket: € 12,00/ person
Duration: about 1 h.
Info - reservation: phone +39 329 3659446 - mail

altGoing along the underground path located under the glass pavement of the Sala Borsa Library, it is possible to admire the ancient excavations, found during the restoration works of the so called “piazza coperta” (that is “covered square”).
Hundreds of years of city’s history: from the first settlements out of straw huts of the Villanovian culture to the Etruscan Felsina, to the Roman Bononia, founded in 189 b.C.  The different layers of the excavations proves the transformations, which took place in Roman time, and the following degradation events: from structure collapses to the robbing of precious materials between the end of the V and the VII century a.C.
The spoiling of the territory caused a relevant reduction of the buildings, up to their almost complete disappearance in the beginning of the high Medieval Ages.

Each human action or natural event has left a particular and unique trace on this place, which is still visible in present time. That’s why the stratification in the Sala Borsa is a privileged occasion to discover the history of Bologna through an unusual narration of its past landscapes.




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Vieni a casa tua: Vitruvio ti propone un appartamento nel cuore di Barcellona per sentirti a casa anche in viaggio.

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sull'offerta di un appartamento a Barcellona

Trekking Urbano

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